Behind the Lens: 2025 Calendar Images

I thought it would be fun to put together a page dedicated to sharing a little more about each of the photos that made it into our 2025 calendar, including where and when the photos were made, as well as some additional images from each location.

Cover Image

Bulldog Canyon, Arizona (November 2022)

This is an area that we are very much looking forward to returning to at some point. We ended up here after meeting friends at the southern end of the PCT and just before celebrating Thanksgiving in Denver with friends and Family. We really enjoyed spending time among the Saguaros and exploring the variety of desert plants throughout this area.


Valley of the Gods, Utah (March 2019 & December 2022)

This has been an area we have visited many times over the years and it certainly remains one that we will visit more in the future! These images were shot over two different trips: Once on the first trip that Brian made down there solo in our old 4runner and another time with close friends.


North Twillingate Island, Newfoundland, Canada (July 2024)

A half completed and abandoned campground remains open and well taken care of by the community and travelers that stop to visit this area. The reward? Absolutely incredible sunsets over the north Atlantic Ocean.


Valle de los Cirios, Baja California, Mexico (December 2023)

This area has become an absolute must-stop as we travel along the Baja peninsula. This small ecosystem is filled with so many unique plants including the Dr. Seuss-like Cirios trees (also known as Boojum trees) which are endemic to this area of Baja.


Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada (June 2024)

Tucked fairly far north on the northern end of Nova Scotia is potentially one of the most unique hikes we have done! This boardwalk hike leads you out to one of the most stunning and exposed views over steep evergreen slopes down to the vast ocean below. Particularly incredible at sunset, the beauty of this area is still lingering in my mind!


Moab, Utah (October 2024)

Whenever people ask us where some of our favorite areas are, this place will always land within the top 3 for us! I owe Christina a lot of thanks for chasing me out of bed this particular morning to snap this main image of sunlight streaming across the desert towers and mesas. Together these images attempt to capture the grandeur of this area from morning to evening light.


Rissers Beach Provincial Park, Nova Scotia, Canada (June 2024)

This boardwalk ended up being a bit of an accidental surprise. We had chosen to camp within this area based on convenience rather than beauty, but our evening walk deposited us onto this wonderful surprise! We spent hours strolling up and down observing Common Terns and deer, and how things changed from high tide to low tide.


Rose Blanche, Newfoundland, Canada (June 2024)

This was our very first stop in Newfoundland, and boy did it leave an impression! We drove through the most beautiful rolling rocky terrain before arriving at this stunning little village. It was love at first sight!


Carbondale, Colorado (October 2024)

We feel incredibly lucky to call this place our home base and that it is an area we get to return to frequently. This particular camp spot has a front-row seat overlooking Mt. Sopris and Capitol Peak in all their glory and is likely our favorite within this whole area!


Cape Anguille, Newfoundland, Canada (June 2024)

This particular spot was our second night in Newfoundland and also happened to be the Summer Solstice. A narrow dirt track led us out to this wonderful camp spot where we cooked dinner in the setting sun at 9:30 pm, listening to the waves tumble the stones below us.


Cedar Bluffs, Kansas (May 2024)

Before driving east this summer we committed to the idea of avoiding highways as much as possible, and to seek out beauty in areas that we had long dismissed. This area of Kansas certainly did that for us. We started the day off by visiting the tallest point in Kansas before wandering our way through gravel farm roads before reaching a small reservoir that we called home for the night. Nearly endless fields of wheat flanked the roads as we made our way to camp. The way the golden light of the setting sun illuminated the fields was too perfect not to stop and snap a few photos!


Bonavista, Newfoundland, Canada (June 2024)

From the tops of these majestic sea cliffs we were lucky enough to spend two days observing and photographing the most adorable, clumsy and chunky seabirds: Puffins! We later learned that one of the Peter Pan films was shot close to this area and it’s easy to see why as this landscape seems nearly fictional!


Conche, Newfoundland, Canada (July 2024)

We stopped in this small remote village to get a look at the French Shore Tapestry, a 216-foot-long hand-stitched tapestry that was made by several people within the community and took several years to complete. In the evenings we would walk the quiet streets and take in the beauty of this place. It feels like the modern world has been slow to reach this area, and it is still full of old-world, slow-paced charm.

I hope you’ve enjoyed getting a little behind-the-scenes insight into the stories behind these images. If you have any questions or are interested in purchasing prints of any of these images feel free to reach out!

Thanks so much for your support!

- Brian


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